Year End Accounts

Year End Accounts

Year-end accounts often form the basis of your Self-Assessment tax return and provide valuable insight into your business. However, the preparation of end-of-year accounts is a time-consuming and daunting task. As a result, many companies struggle to get their accounts to Companies House and HMRC in time for the deadline and risk incurring penalties. For sole traders and partnerships, year-end accounts will form the basis of the business owners’ self-assessment tax returns. For a partnership, the year-end accounts will also state the balance on each partner’s current budget. For owner-managed limited companies, the little company accounts will house details of the directors’ salaries and the dividends paid to shareholders, which will need to tally with their self-assessment tax return Every business needs to prepare a set of accounts for HMRC and Companies House. Make sure you’re not one of those companies that misses the deadlines and gets fined. CapitalUK Tax can take the strain and make sure you meet the deadline, and your year-end accounts accurately reflect the business.


Responsive, practical and efficient tax services. You’ll receive advice to help you best manage your finances and reduce your tax liability, while also considering long-term financial goals.

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